Happy Caturday “Spectacular” and A New Suppot Site!

Hello Recovery Friends, Seekers, & New Peekers,

I thought it was time to stop “Mourning” over having to give my TWO kitty’s to good homes when we had to relocate from So. Oregon to here in sunny Arizona. I check on “Mr. Buttons & Ms. Callie” often, and they are “Happy & Healthy” in their new homes. Two of our good friends are the ones who stepped up and took them both in. Now this little “Excited” fellow below looks just like Mr. Buttons when he was a little kitty!!


Aargh! The Potato LOOKED at me!

*SO IN HONOR OF Buttons & Callie, I present to you a *CATURDAY SPECTACULAR*!!

Now CATS can come in all “Types & Sizes”……..

Sweet Hug

OR they can be from the wild animal kingdom, or just your regular house CAT…..

Cat Malfunction                  Cat vs Budgie Laser Match

Cats can be “BIG Or Small”…………..

10 Ways Cats Enjoy Thanksgiving

They can be “CUTE” & “SWEET”…..

10 Ways Cats Enjoy Thanksgiving

They can be a Mystery Or Just plain SILLY!…….



They love to Play, Nap, and so much more!…….



*Bottom Line is our Kitty’s our part of “THE FAMILY”*


This one HAD to be taken in the 1980’s! Love the hair!!….lol…

Even with their own Cat families!



SO no matter how your “Cats and Kitty’s” fit into your family, and your LIFE, they “TRULY” are a blessing, and bring Love and Joy into our lives!


*SORRY, This one is SO WRONG, that I couldn’t RESIST!!*….LOL…


Since I promised that the Month of “NOVEMBER” would be back to my “Recovery” roots and blog mostly about “Recovery & about Gambling Addiction.” I think I kept to most that promise, but I’d like to round out the month with a “New Support Site” I found,
VIA ~ Twitter called: “Help With Gambling Addiction”…
www.help-with-gambling-addiction.com/im-a-recovering-addicted-compulsive-gambler.html  “Catherine Townsend-Lyon”

This website lets you “Share” your story of gambling addiction, and how you’re doing today. So I sent and shared MY Story, as it was accepted, and now is posted up on the website, so “Click” on the above link, and leave me a comment of support!

Do you know someone YOU care about have a “Gambling Problem?”
Her are TWO ways you can help them. SHARE this link & website with them, and second, purchase a copy of my BOOK through Amazon.com as an Anonymous person, as amazon allows this, send my book as a “Gift” so they can read my Personal Story of what I went through with addicted gambling,  http://www.amazon.com/dp/0984478485
“Addicted To Dimes”(Confessions of a liar and a Cheat)

If anything, it may help them reach out for help! One of the best places for them to check out too is, http://GamblersAnonymous.org They are an excellent site, find local meetings in your area, and much MORE!……..

May God Bless you ALL!

Author, Catherine Townsend-Lyon


3 thoughts on “Happy Caturday “Spectacular” and A New Suppot Site!

    • AAAWWW….Thanks John! I appreciate the Visit, I know your a busy guy!
      I enjoy your Google+ Shares! *Happy Holidays* *Catherine*


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